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Iotcore - Python MQTT Broker and IoT Features for Django and FastAPI


The project aims to give full support for mqtt broker and related apis. The internals of the mqtt server is written in
Rust using popular Tokio framework. Motive of the project is to avoid the GIL limitation of python and bring all the fun features offered by rust.


  • Full-fledged configurable Tokio based MQTT broker
  • No python GIL limitation
  • All Standard MQTT broker features
  • Zero extra setup required to run mqtt broker in you Django and Fastapi project
  • MQTT client, with callback support for async or non-blocking applications
  • and more

Planned Features

  • Device support
  • Sensor support
  • Sensor data storage
  • Django based admin pages
  • Django rest framework based APIs for managing devices and sensors
  • SSL certificates and policy management


pip install iotcore

Create a new file called mqtt.toml in your root project directory and copy pase the sample mqtt.toml from

FastAPI setup

Broker only

from fastapi import FastAPI
from iotcore.fastapi import iotcore_broker

app = FastAPI(lifespan=iotcore_broker)

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

Broker plus Mqtt client

from fastapi import FastAPI
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from iotcore import IotCore

iot = IotCore()

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

def temperature_data(request):
    print(f"Temperature data : {request}")

def mqtt_callback(data):
    print(f"iot >: {data}")

def sub():
    iot.subscribe("iot", mqtt_callback)
    return {"response": "subscribed"}

def pub():
    iot.publish("temperature", "{'temp': 18}")
    return {"response": "published"}

def home():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

Django Setup

from django.http import JsonResponse
from iotcore import IotCore

iot = IotCore()

def mqtt_callback(data):
    print(f"Django >: {data}")

def subscribe(request):
    iot.subscribe("iot", mqtt_callback)
    return JsonResponse({"response": "subscribed"})

def publish(request):
    iot.publish("iot", "demo")
    return JsonResponse({"response": "published"})

Now Connect to mqtt broker on localhost
MQTT Port : 1883

Run Example project


pip install iotcore
pip install django

python examples/django/ runserver


pip install iotcore
pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn

uvicorn examples.fastapi.main:app

Open you mqtt client and use below details to connect to the broker:
Host: or localhost
Port: 1883


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The project is licensed under the MIT license.