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MQTT Broker config

Create a new file called mqtt.toml on the project root and paste the config below.

id = 0

# A commitlog read will pull full segment. Make sure that a segment isn't
# too big as async tcp writes readiness of one connection might affect tail
# latencies of other connection. Not a problem with preempting runtimes
id = 0
max_connections = 10010
max_outgoing_packet_count = 200
max_segment_size = 104857600
max_segment_count = 10
# shared_subscriptions_strategy = "random" # "sticky" | "roundrobin" ( default ) | "random"
# Any filters that match to configured filter will have custom segment size.
# [router.custom_segment.'/office/+/devices/status']
# max_segment_size = 102400
# max_segment_count = 2
# [router.custom_segment.'/home/+/devices/status']
# max_segment_size = 51200
# max_segment_count = 2

# [bridge]
# name = "bridge-1"
# addr = "localhost:1883"
# qos = 0
# sub_path = "#"
# reconnection_delay = 5
# ping_delay = 5
# timeout_delay = 5
#     [bridge.connections]
#     connection_timeout_ms = 60000
#     max_payload_size = 20480
#     max_inflight_count = 500
#     dynamic_filters = true
#     [bridge.transport.tls]
#     ca = "ca.cert.pem"
#     client_auth = { certs = "test-1.cert.pem", key = "test-1.key.pem" }

# Configuration of server and connections that it accepts
name = "v4-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 100
dynamic_filters = true
#   auth = { user1 = "p@ssw0rd", user2 = "password" }
#      [v4.1.connections.auth]
#      user1 = "p@ssw0rd"
#      user2 = "password"

# [v4.2]
# name = "v4-2"
# listen = ""
# next_connection_delay_ms = 10
#     # tls config for rustls
#     [v4.2.tls]
#     capath = "/etc/tls/ca.cert.pem"
#     certpath = "/etc/tls/server.cert.pem"
#     keypath = "/etc/tls/server.key.pem"
#     # settings for all the connections on this server
#     [v4.2.connections]
#     connection_timeout_ms = 60000
#     throttle_delay_ms = 0
#     max_payload_size = 20480
#     max_inflight_count = 100
#     max_inflight_size = 1024

name = "v5-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 100

listen = ""
interval = 1

name = "ws-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_client_id_len = 256
throttle_delay_ms = 0
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 500
max_inflight_size = 1024

# [ws.2]
# name = "ws-2"
# listen = ""
# next_connection_delay_ms = 1
#     [ws.2.tls]
#     capath = "/etc/tls/ca.cert.pem"
#     certpath = "/etc/tls/server.cert.pem"
#     keypath = "/etc/tls/server.key.pem"
#     [ws.2.connections]
#     connection_timeout_ms = 60000
#     max_client_id_len = 256
#     throttle_delay_ms = 0
#     max_payload_size = 20480
#     max_inflight_count = 500
#     max_inflight_size = 1024

listen = ""

# [metrics]
#     [metrics.alerts]
#     push_interval = 1
#     [metrics.meters]
#     push_interval = 1